Well, it's that time of year again. The time when kids are getting antsy and parents are ready to send them back to school. I am getting antsy, too. I can't wait to get back to school. I know, I know, not what you would expect to hear from a 25 year veteran teacher, right? Well, I think I love school more every year. It's an opportunity for me to share my love of music with more kids and perhaps ignite that spark in them that keeps me excited about music.
What is it about music that keeps me wanting more? It's the creativity, the open-mindedness of the artists. It's the emotional release you can get from listening to just the right song at just the right time. It's the buzz I get from performing music for others. It's that moment when a student understands for the first time and you see their entire being light up. That's the "it" I am addicted to. That's why I can't wait to get back to school.